Prompting Thought Amid the COVID-19 Crisis 2020
Thoughtpaper prepared by Bruce O’Brien – President and CEO
Frequently, an organization’s performance is driven by behaviors of leadership team members. Marathon has developed integrated tools and processes to help organizations reset standards and change the behaviors necessary for improving performance. We have been extremely successful in guiding our clients along their journeys to operational excellence.
Marathon organizational performance services include:
• Nuclear and non-nuclear safety culture surveys, analysis, assessments, cause analysis, action plan development, implementation support, and effectiveness assessments
• Regulatory Recoveries
• Mentoring and monitoring as a part of improvement initiatives
• Oversight and subject matter expert services
• Cause Analysis and Corrective Action Program
• Organizational and incident causal analysis and training
Marathon’s approach of precisely defining problems, determining causes, and determining effective actions in concert with the client has resulted in successful improvement strategies across our client base. From regulatory recoveries to improving internal client relationships and culture, Marathon’s sharp focus on problems and their solutions have been a successful strategy appreciated by our clients.
This Thought Paper is the first in a series with the overall topic being culture. In particular, how the events in 2020 initiated by the COVID-19 virus pandemic are resulting in unprecedented and profound changes in our cultural norms. The series of papers are arranged in a progression of thought. This first paper is observational, ground setting and intended to provoke thought. While it is by no means comprehensive as to all changes, it provides examples and thought as a foundation to be used forward towards action. Follow on papers are intended to include details as to predictive and projective scenarios upon which to build the framework and organizational structures to implement best practices, tools and techniques to support the potential short and long term eventualities.
The audience for this paper is any executive of an organization that has been and is affected by the recent events, wants to learn about themselves, their organization’s response, and is committed to maximizing the benefits of that learning in the near and long term. The world has forever changed. It is our mission to manage that change to maximize the health and productivity of the workforce.
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